Fumigation Preparation
Everything you need to know to be prepared for a termite fumigation treatment.
Watch the Video – How to Prepare for a Fumigation
Fumigation Facts
Product Used: Vikane Gas Fumigant
Why Buildings Are Fumigated: To control termites and other pests like bed bugs quickly and effectively, to eradicate an infestation and prevent costly damage.
How Buildings Are Fumigated: Structures are sealed to contain the gas fumigant so it can penetrate wood and the building contents. You can expect the structure to remain sealed for 2-72 hours.
What to Expect After Fumigation: Our termite specialists will aerate the structure and measure remaining fumigant levels to ensure safe reentry by occupants.
How to Plan for a Fumigation
Here are some steps you can take to help prepare your home for a fumigation by Available Termite and Pest Specialist.
Make accommodation arrangements for residents and pets
Schedule shut-off of gas services, 48 hour advance notice or more is usually required
Make arrangements for vehicles to be parked an appropriate distance away from structures being fumigated
Remove or seal food items, medicines, and house plants
Plants and/or trees touching the structure should be pruned
On the day of treatment, open all cabinets, interior doors, closets and drawers, turn off AC/Heat, sprinklers, and any automatic timers – prior to evacuation
Click the Fumigation Guide link below to download a full fumigation checklist, for before and after treatment.
Servicing the Greater San Diego Area
Available Termite & Pest Control prides ourselves in relationship building by doing what we say and never over promising. Property management companies and their managers appreciate the expertise of Available Termite highly-trained crews.
Every fumigation, annual termite maintenance agreement and wood replacement project has a dedicated project manager who will oversee the project to its conclusion.
About Termites
Reproductive or swarming termites – shown here – are usually the first signs a homeowner/resident sees as an indicator of a drywood termite infestation. However, the presence of the reproductive cast of the drywood termite means the wood member in your home has been infested for at least four to five years. After the first nuptial flight, you can count on annual nuptial flights unless you allow Available Termite and Pest Specialist to identify your property’s needs and develop the perfect eradication treatment plan for this infestation.
Contact Available Termite to resolve your community’s nightmare.
Why Available Termite is the Right Choice for Termite Protection
Available Termite & Pest Control provides extensive notification to all residents so they all contact us via our Qualtrak login as well as door hanger notification during every large investment.
HOA Satisfaction
Prior to the commencement of all projects, our managers do walk-throughs to ensure genuine fulfillment of the board’s expectations.
QualTrak System
A custom-dedicated website is created just for your project. You will be able to access project details from any computer at any time.
Every project website contains:
- Project Tracking
- Project Notices
- Project Images
- Contact Info
- Job Specific FAQ’s
- Feedback Section