Yes, Spring has sprung, but with all the beautiful new plants and flowers, comes pollen and insects. Out with the rodents and in with the ants, bees, mosquitoes and crane flies (mosquito eaters)!
Our travel has picked up and we are not alone – As of March 22nd, ant traffic has also risen and guess where they are headed? Right into your home! These organized little movers are on the search for protein and carbohydrates. Gotta build those beach bodies! For those who have been swayed during quarantine to add a new fur baby to your family, be on the lookout. Pet food is one of the leading culprits in luring ants into your home unintentionally. If it’s too late, and they overstayed their Spring Break in sunny Southern California, contact AVAILABLE TERMITE AND PEST SPECIALIST!
You wouldn’t bee-lieve it, but not only do bears hibernate, so do bees! And now that the bees have woken from their cold weather slumber, they have a lot of work to do! Hence the phrase “busy bees”. They will be out pollinating all the beautiful plants and flowers, but when the family gets too big, they split and a large group of them will start another colony elsewhere. Which is when you will see a swarm, they are house hunting. Beware, if they are swarming, let them
“bee”. However, if they decide they like your home better than their last, call us! No rent, no room!
It doesn’t end with just the ants and bees. Don’t forget about the mosquitoes! Mosquitoes live in any stagnant (standing) water that may have accumulated over the rainy months or even those extra dewy mornings. Standing water is their haven. To ensure you don’t have mosquito larvae ready to bloom into those pesky little blood suckers, remove any standing water you may come across. Keep an eye out for our little superhero Mosquito Eaters that are often mistaken for actual mosquitoes. Although those long-legged imposters might give you the heebie jeebies just as much as mosquitoes, they are actually trying to help by eating the larvae. The Crane Fly (actual name) generally lives 10-15 days, so once you have removed the standing water, then they should start to disappear as well. But if they don’t do their jobs or you can’t get rid of both or either, we can help with that too!
We are Specialists in Spring Cleaning!